taetyong ty홀딩스

No unauthorized e-mail collection

We reject unauthorized collection of any email address posted on this website using email address collection software or other technical devices. In violation of this, you may be subject to punishment according to the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network.

Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network 50-2. Prohibition of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses

  1. No one may collect any email address from this website using software that automatically harvests email addresses or other technical devices without prior consent of the operator or administrator of this website.
  2. No one may sell and/or distribute email addresses collected in violation of Clause 50-2.1.
  3. No one may not use any email address prohibited to collect, sell and/or distribute according to Clauses 50-2.1 and 2 in transmitting information despite being aware of such prohibition.

Article 74 (Penalty) A person falling under any of the following subparagraphs shall be fined up to 10 million won

  1. A person who displays for the purpose of displaying, selling, or selling in violation of the provisions of Article 8 (4);
  2. A person who distributes, sells, rents, or exhibits obscene signs, words, sounds, burns, or videos in violation of Article 44-7 (1) 1;
  3. A person who repeatedly reaches the other party with signs, words, sounds, burns, or images that cause fear or anxiety in violation of Article 44-7 (1) 3;
  4. A person who has taken technical measures in violation of the provisions of Article 50 (6);
  5. A person who uses an e-mail address to collect, sell, distribute, or transmit information in violation of the provisions of Article 50-2;
  6. A person who has sent advertisement information in violation of the provisions of Article 50-8;
  7. A person who fails to register the change of registration matters or report the transfer, transfer, transfer, merger or inheritance of the project in violation of Article 53 (4);