taetyong ty홀딩스

Issued Stock History

Nominal value per share: 500 won (Unit: Stock, One thousand won)

Cartegory Issued shares Total nominal value
common stock 50,929,268 25,464,634
Prior Stock 1,255,338 627,669
Total 52,184,606 26,092,303

Distribution of shares

End of 2021 : common stock (Unit: Stock, %)

Category Shareholder name Number of shares Equity ratio
Largest shareholder
and related parties
Yoon Suk-min 12,827,810 25.2
Lee Sang-hee 1,128,953 2.2
Yoon Se-young 266,955 0.5
Seoam Yoon Se Young Foundation 2,736,503 5.4
TY Holdings Co., Ltd. 15,524,533 30.5
Other Shareholders 18,444,514 36.2
Total   50,929,268 100